Wiki Code for Flexible Proctosigmoidoscopy


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This patients entire colon is removed due to colon Cancer. We are doing a 2 years follow up procedure. Using the flexible scope we examined the patients rectum the ileorectal anastomosis was identified and then the scope was passed through the anastomosis to the terminal ileum and this was examined. What code would I use. Would it be correct to use G0104, however, we did not examin the sigmoid colon nor any part of the descending colon as it was removed to his colon caner. We did this as a screening procedure. Would I have to put a modifier on G0104?

Thank you,
Marci, CPC
G0104 is the correct code for a screening flexible sigmoidoscopy. Since you are not doing the entire procedure, you might want to affix Modifier 52 to depict a reduced procedure.