Wiki code denial

It is a recurring therapy claim and I believe they used just that pain code as their treating diagnosis. As I'm thinking this through, the guidelines state that if the casue of the pain is known, they should assign a code for the underlying diagnosis instead of or in conjunction with the code for pain and if they only use the pain code, they need to sequence that with (A,D,S) Is that correct?
If the reason for the visit is pain control they need a G89 code for he pain, then if the know the cause of the pain it may be added as an addition al code, if only the site of the pain is known and not the cause then you may add the site code. If the pain is due to having had an injury then you would use the G89.- code first followed b the injury code with the D or S 7th character.
The therapists have been told to assign the codes in Chapter 13 because they are moast relevant pain-related codes to physical therapy and musculoskeletal pain. If they are denying then its a problem.