Wiki Code also instructional notes

Largo, FL
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I am hoping someone can help clarify some of the instructional notes that are listed in the code book. I am very careful in my coding and I did well on the CRC exam, but I am still confused when it comes to certain things...not confused so much on the guidelines themselves, I think what gets me most confused is when there are notes such as "use additional" code, "use additional code if applicable", "code also", "code first", codes in brackets, etc.
For these notes, does the provider specifically need to document the condition that is part of the "use additional", "code also", etc., or are any of these assumed relationships? Why is there a "use additional" and a "use additional code if applicable". By reading this, it seems to me like one would have an automatic relation and one MAY be related... I know this should be basic knowledge and I'm sure I'm overthinking it, but real world scenarios are not the same as the documentation in the course. They are not always so you all are aware of, I'm sure :( and it's not always easy to query a provider. I want to make sure that I am not missing opportunities in the risk aspect of things for payment but also don't want to make coding errors in general. I would appreciate any guidance that you have to give. I think I may have posed this question in less detail before and I get some responses that basically repeat the guidelines which I have read over and over.