Wiki code all documented conditions?


springfield, MO
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Lately we received a letter from a payer telling us that we should be listing ALL co-existing conditions on our claims. Then they gave us a list of which codes were missing from which claims. None of them were supported by documentation, and some were not even valid codes.
Guidlines for I-9 and I-10 both state "code all documented conditions that coexist at the time of the encounter AND affect patient care, treatment, or management.
Has anyone else run into this? Any thoughts?
Interesting. We're experiencing the same thing but from another source. May I ask what carrier and which codes? We're still in the "question and answer" phase.
Maybe it was statistics for HCC coding. (?) I found this on one of their handouts.

Document at least once a year:

Chronic Conditions (CHF, COPD, DM)
Active Status conditions (amputations, colostomy)
Pertinent past conditions (Old MI)
All conditions that require medication
Conditions that affect the patient?s day to day life.

This is not an all inclusive list. HTN and emphysema are ones they look for, also.