Wiki Code a round E/M id#9 note 3


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Please, if any one can help ? I'm having trouble coming up with the last code on this question. The assessment on the chart says 1. Strep throat with tonsillar pharyngitis. 2. Allergic to Penicillin.
Shouldn't the codes be 034.0 for the strep pharyngitis and the v14.0 for personal history of penicillin allergy? I keep getting v14.0 is invalid. Thanks :)
Lorri CPC-A
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Since 462 excludes 034.0, is the AAPC coding the 462 because the diagnosis did not specifically state the pharyngitis is due to strep?

I experienced an error message and found an error on the ED Code A Round and Natalie Chin was very helpful in resolving the matter.
The chart said (Oroparnynx: rapid strep positive. Yes, you are correct. I misread the assessment (strep throat( with tonsillar pharyngitis ))