Wiki code a level 2-99212 w/the injection?


Adel, IA
Best answers
Patient is here for follow up on her right knee degenerative joint disease. She is interested in repeating the synvisc injection. She had one last summer that significantly helped until the past week. Denies any changes in her general health.

After routine prep I injected the right knee with synvisc-one. She tolerated teh procedure well and was given instructions for that. She is to follow with us as needed.

Patient hasn't been in for a year. He has one CC, one body area- the knee and MDM. Thoughts???
The billing/reimbursement for the CPT of synvisc injection is supposed to cover the minimal exam as noted above, and without sufficient documentation on physical exam for range of motion with flexion, extension, pain complaints with severity/duration/alleviating factors, then no E&M should be billed, in my opinion.