Wiki Code 99203 vs 99213


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One orthopedist treating patient and referred to another Ortho. in same
practice. We have been told if the 2nd ortho. has a speciality as the 2nd one
does, her speciality is Hands. That we should bill 99203 for first visit with
speciality. Cant find any answers to this question.:confused:
It both Doctors work for the same group you can only bill a new patient visit one time no matter what the specialty is!
Depends on the carrier and how the credentialling was done. Example: hand surgeon is crendentialed hand surgeon first/primary and ortho surgeon second/secondary with half or more than half of cases being hand cases. Again it'll depend on the carrier and their policy.
If both doctors work for the same practice, *usually* 99203 can be billed only once per practice, then 99213 for any subsequent visits. However, I am with Joseph- I would check with the patient's insurance carrier first before billing.