Wiki Code 62323


Kingsley, MI
Best answers
I have recently have been getting rejections on code 62323 that it is not billed to the highest level of specificity. They are all being billed the same way by the doctor so either the order of the codes is wrong or they need an extra digit. I have called the payer (BCBS of Michigan) and they said all they can tell me is the denial reason. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated so I can correct these claims. This is an example of how the Dr. is billing it.
procedure: 62323
Dx: 1st on is M54.16
2nd one: M54.17
3rd is M51.16
Thank you so much,
The 1st dx should be the combo code M51.16 DDD w/radiculopathy and delete the M54.16.
If the lumbosacral has DDD w/radiculopathy also use M51.17 and delete the M54.17.

If DDD of cervical then you have codes for highest level of specificity. Good luck try my suggestion hope it works:)
The 1st dx should be the combo code M51.16 DDD w/radiculopathy and delete the M54.16.
If the lumbosacral has DDD w/radiculopathy also use M51.17 and delete the M54.17.

If DDD of cervical then you have codes for highest level of specificity. Good luck try my suggestion hope it works:)
Thank you so much I knew I was missing something and figured it was with the Oct. ICD 10 codes. This is a huge help!!! Thank you again