Wiki COC exam

Columbia, Maryland
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I am just shocked. I took my COC certification exam and I already know I failed, based on how many questions I guessed. I simply ran out of time. But here’s the thing that really confuses me…. I did well with the actual course (through AAPC). I did well on the final exam. I bought a study guide through AAPC and went through it. I did 4 practice exams and did really well too. All of the exams I took, I got between 80-90%. And they claim the practice exams are similar to the real thing, which is NOT true. Anyone else in the same boat as me? Feeling totally defeated because I thought I was ready.
Hi Eugenia,
I do not have experience with the COC exam, but I did have similar experiences with the CPC and CPB exams. For what it's worth, I thought I failed both, but ended up passing both. I took the CPB exam first and was totally caught off guard on how time seemed to slip away. I felt that the CPC exam went much better just because I knew what to expect. I did buy practice exams for both and felt that it was helpful when I went over them more than once and took lots of notes. I hope all works out for you!
I am just shocked. I took my COC certification exam and I already know I failed, based on how many questions I guessed. I simply ran out of time. But here’s the thing that really confuses me…. I did well with the actual course (through AAPC). I did well on the final exam. I bought a study guide through AAPC and went through it. I did 4 practice exams and did really well too. All of the exams I took, I got between 80-90%. And they claim the practice exams are similar to the real thing, which is NOT true. Anyone else in the same boat as me? Feeling totally defeated because I thought I was ready.

You might be surprised when you get your test results. I came out of my CHONC feeling for sure that I must have failed. (I went down to the wire on time taking that exam - I took too long second guessing myself on all the infusion questions.) But I actually passed with an 84%.

I've used the Practice Exams for all 5 of my certifications, and I've always found them to be representative of the question structure on the actual exam.

When using the practice exams, I helps to sit down & mimic test conditions as closely as possible. Time yourself, use only the resources you plan to use during the exam, etc. That helps with getting the pacing down so you know how long you have to answer a question. Pacing is half the battle!

Good luck - I hope you get good news with your exam results and don't end up having to retake!