Wiki COBGC exam - Took the COBGC exam

I sat for my CPC on Saturday. I thought about going for the COBGC, but decided to start with CPC for now. I'd love to know what you thought of the exam!
I am still anxiously waiting for my results! As for the COBGC exam I didn't think it was that bad - if a person has been coding in that specialty. It would certainly be difficult for someone just starting out. There were a lot of E&M questions and also quite a few about surgery for incontinence. Not as many questions regarding OB/pregnancy/deliveries as I expected. Overall, I felt pretty good about it and I finished early but I won't know for certain until I see PASS on my home page!! Good luck to you guys if you do take it.
Cobgc exam

Congrats on passing!!
I am sitting for my COBGC Exam November 14th. I am nervous. I have been coding for OBGYN for several years now. I just always get nervous when I have to take a 6 hour exam. LOL!! Any study tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. :)

Congratulations Leandra!!! I am going to take the exam next month any tips on how to successfully study for this specialty exam. I have been coding for this specialty since January and everyday seems like I learn something new.. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. I hope you don't mind if I pick your brain, lol... :)