Wiki Co-Surg Mod 62

York, PA
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Good Day,
I have a dilemma...our trauma surgeon and urology oncology surgeon did a procedure together. My struggle is it correct to bill co-surgery if two surgeons from different specialities share as primary surgeons while assisting each other. Here is a brief description...Patient needed a colon resection, when the trauma doctor was performing the procedure a tumor was found to encompos a portion of the pelvic organs and the urology oncology doctor was consulted. The trauma doctor was primary for the colon resection while the urology/oncology doctor asssisted and then...the urology oncology doctor was primary for the hysterectomy portion of the surgery while the trauma doctor assisted. Would this be proper use of 62 mod??

Any guidance would be much appreciated Thank you,

No a 62 is when only one procedure is performed with one surgeon performing the first part and the other surgeon steps in and performs the second part. Each one writes a note detailing what he did and when you put both notes together you have one procedure described. This sounds like you have two different procedures by two different providers. So two individual notes, one for a colon resection indicating an assist by the other surgeon. Then one for the hysterectomy indicating an assist with the previous surgeon.