Wiki CMS Physical Exam Guidelines


Reno, Nevada
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Does anyone know where I can find a CMS guideline for the 1995 exam audit stating that you cannot use Abdomen soft non-tender as GI for the physical exam or clubbing, cyanosis as the musculoskeletal exam. I have searched high and low with no luck. I am in Nevada if that makes any difference. Thank you all for your time.
Does anyone know where I can find a CMS guideline for the 1995 exam audit stating that you cannot use Abdomen soft non-tender as GI for the physical exam or clubbing, cyanosis as the musculoskeletal exam. I have searched high and low with no luck. I am in Nevada if that makes any difference. Thank you all for your time.

1995 and 1997 both allow you to use Abdomen soft, non-tender for Exam credit under GI. I believe that clubbing and cyanosis count under CV, though, because they're indications of blood flow problems - There is a type of clubbing that's a congenital deformity, but given the context of being paired with cyanosis, I'd guess that they're not referring to that kind of clubbing. They are considered M/S for 1997 guidelines, though.

Only 1997 guidelines have specific criteria listed for each organ system - 1995 guidelines only specify which body areas/organ systems are recognized. Hope that helps!;)
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