Wiki CMS Guidelines for Place of Service


Everson, WA
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Medicare is denying U0005 with POS 31, but is processing U0003 for the same POS 31. We are collecting the U0003 (Sars Cov-2) test at the Skilled Nursing Facility (31). However, we are billing for U0005 (2 day TAT Covid Testing) because we are getting the results within a 2 day window.
Does anyone know if you can apply a POS 81 (Independent Laboratory) to the U0005, since the Independent Laboratory is technically the one performing the U0005 test by getting the Results back within 2 days, or do they have to use the POS 31 where the original test U0003 was collected at the Skilled Nursing Facility, POS 31. I tried reviewing the CMS guidelines over and over, but could not find this particular situation.

Any help would be deeply appreciated.
What do the denial and remark codes say? If it is a consolidated SNF billing denial due to the patient being in a Part A SNF stay, then that means the the SNF would be responsible for paying you. If not, you may need to reach out to your region's Medicare contractor for guidance on this.