Wiki CMS AWV and EM billing telephone only

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I am being told that we can now bill EM codes and do AWV over the telephone only, that visual no longer is required. I have yet to find anything from CMS documenting this is correct-- (supposedly changed in the last few days)

Can anyone help shed light on this please?? Links for bonus points!!
I believe you are being misinformed. CMS does not permit telephone visits to be billed as telehealth with E/M codes. CMS originally would not cover telephone 99441-99443, then changed it that they would. There have been many people misinterpreting CMS's statement at the end of March that they will cover telephone as instruction to use E/M codes. NGS Medicare link posted 04/14/2020:
See under communication specifying audio only is 99441-99443 or G2012.

Please be aware this is the CMS guidance. Private carriers are setting their own policies, which sometimes differ from CMS.
The official CMS policy is that video and audio is E/M. Audio only is 99441-99443 or G2012. AMA guidance is not the same as CMS.
Some private carriers are following the CMS guidance. Some private carriers are permitting audio only to be billed E/M. It is basically at each carriers discretion how they want those services billed.
The AMA file you reference (scenario 3, 4, 9) lists E/M codes as telehealth, and then also telephone 99441-99443 with the notation "Individual states (through Executive Order) or payors may permit use of E/M codes with audio-only encounters."

Modifier -CS is used on services that lead to either an order for OR administration of a COVID-19 lab test, to indicate they are not subject to copay or deductible charges.
From NGS Medicare see question 2 under modifiers at the end:
I believe you are being misinformed. CMS does not permit telephone visits to be billed as telehealth with E/M codes. CMS originally would not cover telephone 99441-99443, then changed it that they would. There have been many people misinterpreting CMS's statement at the end of March that they will cover telephone as instruction to use E/M codes. NGS Medicare link posted 04/14/2020:
See under communication specifying audio only is 99441-99443 or G2012.

Please be aware this is the CMS guidance. Private carriers are setting their own policies, which sometimes differ from CMS.
This link doesn’t bring up the article and I Am not sure where to look for it. Can you copy and paste the article?
Hmmm - comes up for me. Probably because I have something already saved when I visit that site. It's from the NGS Medicare main page, then continue as guest Part B provider, agree, then News Articles. Regardless, here is a pdf of the page.


  • NGS Telehealth Billing FAQs for COVID-19 04-16-2020.pdf
    101.5 KB · Views: 16