Wiki Closure of ileostomy


Local Chapter Officer
Anniston, AL
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My question concerns the icd 9 code for the closure of an ileostomy. My cpt code is 44625. Patient had colon cancer. The only codes I have are V codes. V55.2 and v10.05. I don't want to use a v code as primary. Should I use the neo code for colon cancer first even though he is through with chemo? I am really lost on this one. Help please. Any advise is appreciated.:rolleyes:
No the V code is perfectly fine as a primary for the colostomy closure. The reason for the encounter is exactly that attention to the colostomy. Do not be afraid to use the V codes as primary, if you use the neoplasm code you may be denied for medical necessity, since the presence of colon cancer is not a reason for a closure.