Wiki Closed treatment on 1st visit. Please Help!


North Andover, MA
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Please help!

Doc charged closed treatment on 1st visit. Several weeks later on follow-up pt had loss of reduction so Doc wants to take pt to OR in a few days. Can we bill for ov on the second visit and if so what modifier can we use?

Any help with this will be appreicated.

Thank you
I would use modifier 78 since it wasn't planned.

You would only use 78 (Unplanned return to OR...) if the fracture was originally treated surgically in the OR. If it was treated with a cast/splint in the office you would use 58 (staged or related procedure...)
It would be 78. It states return to Operating/procedure room. And modifier 58 specifically indicates for an unplanned return to the operating OR procedure room use modifier 78. It does not need to originate in the OR to use the 78 modifier.