I'd agree with your use of modifier .22 mbort - but then I think we'd both be wrong. Modifier .22 is for "increased Procedural Services: When the work required to provide a service is substantially greater than typically required, it may be identified by adding modifier .22 to the usual proceure code. Documentation must support the substantial additional work and the reason for the additional work.
So, "IF" the "original" procedure that took 3 tries FINALLY was completed, then yes - modifier .22 would be correct (documentation supporting of course), but the "open" procedure is not the "usual" procedure for this scenario, the closed was - it just so happens that it went from closed to open. And when a procedure goes from closed to open, the open procedure is coded (which is a significantly higher cost than closed). Once they went to open, if that took longer than "usual" then a modifier .22 could be added (documentation supporting of course) (for physician)
anybody else have an opinion on the use of 22 modifier in this scenario - closed x3 failed, convert to open....?? maybe I am way off base....