Wiki Clerical Reopening for Medicare


Mansfield, GA
Best answers
I have a general question about filing a clerical reopening for Medicare. Is there a limit to the size of a claim when asking for a clerical reopening. I have a girl in the office here that is adamant that if the claim had more than 6 lines we can not submit a clerical reopening. She says this is true even in we are only correcting 1 line on a claim. Has anyone else heard this? I do not see anything guideline anywhere for this.
If this is true, can you direct me where I can find some documentation on this?
For my local MAC, you have to report the "line number of claim - list the two-digit line number from the ICN in question".

I assume the person you're getting that information from is referring to a situation in which a claim has multiple pages, then the line numbers are 1-6 for each page (meaning there would be two lines with number 1, etc). You'd have to look at what Medicare shows as line numbers for an ICN and see if the multiple pages caused problems with the claim line item numbers.