Wiki Class B findings


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The Q8 modifiers requires 2 class be findings. If a patient has bilateral absent posterior tibial pulse OR bilateral dorsalis pedis pulse.

Can we count bilateral absence's of the arteries as 2 class B findings.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
i was under the impression it needed to be one (dp)and the other(pt) to count as two, not laterality but I would love to hear what other people think.
In order the qualify for Class B findings:

Absent posterior tibial pulse or
Absent dorsalis pedis pulse and 3 of the following:

Advanced trophic changes:
hair growth decreased or absent
nail changes(thickening)
pigmentary changes(discoloration)
skin texture(thin, shiny)
skin color(rubor or redness).

Attending the Noridian Podiatry Webinar, you need 3 trophic changes plus the absence of one of the pulses. So, just having absent pulses without the trophic changes, does not qualify for the Q8 modifier. This is based on Noridian LCD.
Q8 Modifier

q8 modifiers only requires 2 class b findings, so you can get these based upon the absent pulses of PT pulse and the DP pulse.

I have several patients that have bilateral absent dorsalis pedis pulse not sure if the Q8 applys.

I have researched and can not find anything.