Wiki claims reprocessing


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Anyone using Trailblazer as their MAC with their experience getting extra monies for nuclear cardiology codes I would appreciate any info! Will they take a spreadsheet and what info do they want?
you can e-mail me at: or throu this forum.
new code 78452 for nuclear stress test was originally paid by Medicare at a lower price. I sent a spread sheet of all procedures and they reprocessed claims about $50 higher. Is this what you are talking about?
YES-can you send me your contact info(e-mail/phone#) so I can ask other questions? I am so grateful you responded. I won't ask too many questions just where did you forward the spreadsheet and info required on spreadsheet. I do mostly coding but have taken on this project as a personal crusade and I can't stand to see money on the table
I sent it to Medicare Appeals address on the their appeals form. They said you do not need a separate appeals letter for each person, just a list of names, id#, claim #,date of service, date of remittance. It wasn't too bad on the excell spread sheet.