Wiki Circumcision with block


Rotonda West, FL
Best answers
Hello All!
Is there ever a time that you can code 54150 with 64450. The 54150 is for a circumcision with a block. The 64450 is for a block. I have someone insisting that these 2 can be coded together. I need someone to prove me right or wrong. :(

54150 already includes block

It says it right in the description of the code ... 54150 already includes the block. So, no, you cannot separately code the block.

54150 lay description (from Encoder Pro)
After the administration of a local anesthetic by injection(s), the physician removes the foreskin of the penis by clamping the foreskin in a plastic device and trimming the excess protruding skin. A segment of foreskin on the dorsal or the side of the penis is crushed with forceps. A cut is made through the crushed tissue with scissors, and the divided foreskin is fitted in a plastic bell-shaped clamp. The clamp crushes a ring of the foreskin and holds the skin edges together while the excess skin is trimmed from the top of the device. The clamp is left in place and simply falls off when healing has finished days later.

Additionally, 64450, is listed as bundled with 54150 per CCI edits.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC