Wiki Circc


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Im taking my CIRCC in 2 weeks - any advice? what to bring? I have been studying all interventional coding but dont normally code cardiovascular.

any help is needed please!!

you can bring charts such as the interventional charts that show the vascular anatomy, I highly recommend that. On AAPC under certification you can review what you are allowed to bring.

Really knowing and understanding the coding rules is a must for this test.

If you have access to the Z-Health interventional charge sheets would be very helpful, you can not bring them HOWEVER, you can make notes in you allowed coding books so you know those pages that are not usefull information, white those out and use those to make notes.

AAPC has a great CIRCC study guiide, memorize it.

Get the practice test also. It does not have the same amount of questions, but figure out with that number of questions and the number on the real test how much time you would be allowed. Time is of the most importance with this test.

The op notes can be rather long on this test so do not waste time reading parts that are really not relevant.

I hope this helps you some and good luck on your test.
Certified Coder

Hi Kbazarte,
Where can I get the Zhealth charge sheet? I am retaking the exam this year. I need to study 2000 with 70000 series, 50000 series and Catagory III codes.
Is there seminars or even a study group yu attended?
I purchased the CIRCC guide, but find it confusing as he publishes the CCI edits in the boook.
In 2009 I attended the advanced prep class and reveived a hand out with case studies that were on the exam. Have you attended a Zhealth circc seminar lately? with this hand out.
DId you find the study guide cumbersome?
I need case studies and have ordered though MedLearn which arrive every 2 weeks in my email.
I appreciate all you can suggest.
The best investment I made before taking mine was the ZHealth set of anatomical charts with the catheter selection codes on them - and you can take it with you for the exam. It saved a lot of time when all they wanted was the catheter selection code.

Good Luck!

Betty Jo
