Wiki CIRCC Exam

Anaheim, CA
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I am getting ready to take the CIRCC Exam Saturday and I was wondering if anyone could give me an example of a reference of my choice to take for the exam?


I am going to take my CIRCC exam in June. Good luck to you! I'm only planning to take my CPT book and my Z health anatomy charts and my HCPCS Level II expert book with me.

I hope this is all we will need. I have not found much help for this certification with coders out there but I have tried everything offered by APPC and Z health to help me study!

Re CIRCC exam

took it for the third time saturday, of all the exam attempts this was by far the hardest one..praying for a miracle i thought the cases were a little too complex for the time frame allotted... hcpcs, anatomical charts and cpt book all you need...good luck to you
took it for the third time saturday, of all the exam attempts this was by far the hardest one..praying for a miracle i thought the cases were a little too complex for the time frame allotted... hcpcs, anatomical charts and cpt book all you need...good luck to you

Hi Pat,
Don't frown, it took me three times to pass myself. Take HCPCS, CPT, Charts, and ICD (I think they ask for ICD code for a question).
also food and drink with you, and as a had a instructor tell me, "Think Simple".

Best of luck,
Jim Pawloski, CIRCC
thanks Jim...

the third one was a killer, the nice ladies from the aapc chapter bought up panera coffee and bagels....i was at least not in migraine mode... still waiting for results i am hoping to know later today or tomorrow....the wait is killing me...:eek:
62 fourth time is the charm, so close and yet so far away rescheduled for the end of may...I need eight little points...
no special books

I talked to AAPC and you can only take your CPT book, your HCPCS book and your charts for anatomy. There is nothing else allowed for this test!
jim I always get the tricky anatomy question! taking it tomorrow attempt number 4...i'll keep taking it until I pass this sucker is mine to get! I will not be thwarted...too late to pay dr z off to take it for me? ;)

For those who have taken the exam multiple times, any advice for someone on their first attempt? Also, congratulations on passing!
What I finally did was to do the short questions first, not the long dictation questions. I saved those for last.
Good luck,
Jim Pawloski, CIRCC