Wiki CIRCC certification - study for the exam!


Ypsilanti, MI
Best answers
I am looking into taking the CIRCC exam within the next year, I was wondering if anyone can give pointers, resources & sites to help study and is any one who is circc certified willing to help with giving direct contact info for any questions as I study for the exam!
Hi Kris, when I was studying to take the CIRCC all I used was the CIRCC Study Guide and my CPT book. I paid special attention to sections/procedures that I wasn't used to coding on a regular basis. I read the CPT Guidelines for those sections and made notes in the CPT book when I thought it was helpful. Such as, "only once per session", "no bilateral billing", and I highlighted the main parts of the descriptions so they would stand out. I would also recommend refreshing your Med Term and Anatomy knowledge!