Wiki Cic-have a question


San Antonio, TX
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Morning, I have a question for anyone out there, whom have taken this exam CIC. if never coder before, if I pass this exam will it have an "A" attached behind the CIC-A like the CPC-A? or will it just have CIC . need to know before I pay $$ for this exam. thanks :rolleyes:
I would not recommend this certification as an inexperienced coder. Sit for the CPC first, after having either had some billing/med records experience, or only after taking a coding/billing course. Otherwise, you are wasting your money.

This is from the description of the CIC exam on the AAPC website: (and they also recommend an associates' degree).

Medical Coding Certification Requirements
While there is no experience requirement, we strongly recommend that the candidate have at least two years of experience in inpatient coding or an inpatient coding course.
Please be aware that this is a difficult, high-level examination which is not meant for individuals with little, limited or no inpatient coding experience or training.
Everyone should really start with a CPC at gives you a well rounded understanding of coding. There's nothing wrong with having an apprentice to your name so I'm not sure why people think of that first. Doctors have to go through residency, Plumbers and electricians start with an apprentice status. As with any career you need to start from the bottom and work your way up. Sometimes you can start up in the middle if you have relevant real world experience. You have to learn to swim before you jump in the deep end. In this example it would be like jumping off a cruise ship into the ocean before ever walking into your first pool
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Cic exam

I took the CIC class online through AAPC. I have no coding experience whatsoever. I have been in the medical field as a transcriptionist for over 20 years. The class, to me, was very difficult. I decided to sit for the certification exam immediately after I finished the class and failed miserably! I wish I would have read Pam's post before I took this course!