Wiki Chronic (permanent) atrial fibrillation/Paging mitchellde and coding king


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We have been diligently following codes to a T. We have encountered some situation wherein we thought that once a patient has Chronic Atrial Fibrilltion I48.2 it will always be Chronic because that's what it says in the code book.

I had queried our physician and apparently the code book makes it too simplistic. WebMD defines paroxysmal afib as if rhythm reverts back in 7 days; Persistent if it last longer than a year, corrected by cardioversion or ablation; and permanent if it can't be corrected by treatments, usually requiring long term meds to control heart rate and stroke prevention.

We have a patient in the hospital, came in with chronic afib first day and second, third day was diagnosed as paroxysmal, and therefore our coding flip flops back and forth between chronic and paroxysmal.

We are worried that this will raise "red flags" as per THE seminar the other coder went to, but of course, we defer to our physician who explained that sometimes chronic afib can revert back to paroxsymal and vice versa.

The coding book has made it so rigid and permanent that the other coder reads it as immovable, and unchangeable.

We intend to defer to our physician but is there a way i can explain in layman's term to assuage the concerns of the other coder about red flags etc ?

"Pls defer to the physician" does not seem to work with her.

Thanks for your suggestions.
It is an interesting scenario.. I sometimes look up the ICD10data web site becaus there they have a bit more information than what is on most code books. I particularly pay attention to the appropriate synonyms for a particular code. I found in this case that it is very interesting.
Under I48.0 for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
Approximate Synonyms
Atrial fibrillation
Atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response
Atrial fibrillation, chronic
Atrial fibrillation, paroxysmal
Chronic atrial fibrillation

Clinical Information
Sudden and episodic bouts of atrial fibrillation.

Under I48.2 for chronic atrial fibrillation
Approximate Synonyms
Permanent atrial fibrillation

Clinical Information
Continuous or recurrent bouts of atrial fibrillation.

SO.... my conclusion is that yes a patient can bounce back and forth and the physician can document either and there should be no red flags at all. Especially since the clinical information for I48.2 indicates it can be recurrent.