Wiki chronic pain codes


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I code for nursing home , assisted living ... visits. I was told that you can't use the chronic pain code of 338.29 for medicare reimbursement. Is that true and what should I use in place of it?

Second question, do you have to have 2 codes to submit a claim to medicare? i have been only putting 1 code on some claims.

I code for nursing home , assisted living ... visits. I was told that you can't use the chronic pain code of 338.29 for medicare reimbursement. Is that true and what should I use in place of it?

Second question, do you have to have 2 codes to submit a claim to medicare? i have been only putting 1 code on some claims.


You should code whatever is documented regardless of whether or not Medicare will reimburse for it. You only need one dx code on a claim, but you should put however many it takes to describe the encounter.