Wiki Chronic illnesses. MDM. CEMC exam

Walnut Creek, CA
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I am studying for CEMC exam (E/M) via Study Guide. In some rationals, they consider illnesses as chronic without documented ‘chronic.” I wonder if it’s correct in a coding world to assume they are chronic? Below I type some examples and thank you for your help in advance.
Case 5:
Atrial Fibrillation: the pt is with history of chronic AF who is…
Obesity: Pt is working on this but has continued to have problems.
Hypertension: Blood pressure today was.. She will be followed conservatively.
[I]Rational:[/I] Medical decision making level is :Moderate ( pt has multiple chronic illnesses that the cardiologist is following during the hospital stay)
Case 6:
Atrial fibrillation: Pt with a history of AB….
Mild cardiomyopathy: Pt has mild.. clinically stable.
Hyperlipidemia: This will be followed by Dr.X.
Rational: MDM is Moderate (… due to the number of chronic illnesses treated)
As per my understanding, it should be a moderate MDM. Chronic conditions are such will have a long time treatments (Eg. Hypertension, DM, Cardiomyopathy, CHF, COPD, asthma, AF, Obesity, hyperlipedemia, hypotension).

For a MDM Table A, no of diagnosis treated alone will be considered. The provider should do some workups to monitor/treatmental options for a condition either by prescriptions or have to mention that condition is stable/severe/moderate. It means that the provider is worked on those condition and gave some treatmental options.

As per table C, two diagnosis are addressed (hypertension and cardiomyopathy), so risk will be moderate as per two more chronic conditions addressed.

Hence, MDM will be a moderate.
