Wiki CHONC specialty exam


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I am preparing to take the test. It says you can bring one reference of your choice. Does that reference have to be a published reference or can it be a reference of your you made? I am refering specifically to drug sheets with supply unit, SDV info, etc. Is that allowed?
I'm pretty sure you cannot bring anything hand made. I think it is referring to a medical dictionary, etc. Have you heard anything more? I am taking the exam on Saturday.
I took mine last Saturday. I took a medical dictionary. I used it twice to verify what I was already thinking. It didn't change the answer I would have chosen but made me feel more confident.

I used the Novitas E/M scoring sheet. I made 30 copies and hole punched them and took a small binder. I also printed out the 1995 and 1997 guidelines and had those in my binder.

It was definitely more difficult than the CPC exam. The notes are much more realistic (more vague, less organized).

Overall, I felt pretty good about it. Just waiting for my results!

Good luck!
