I have a physician who states that I can bill an office visit (new patient) if the patient has come in for a visit prior to their screening colonoscopy and in the exam he finds GERD. He says since it is a dx in a different part of the system, I should code a NP office visit and use dx GERD first and V76.51 second. Is he correct?
If a patient comes in for nothing but a pre-screening visit for a screening colonoscopy with no other symptoms/GI problems or GI history, then we are not supposed to charge for the office visit, correct? I am new to the practice and I have suggested a 99499 Pre-screening, no charge code for the EMR billing. What does your practice do? I am new to GI coding.
If a patient comes in for nothing but a pre-screening visit for a screening colonoscopy with no other symptoms/GI problems or GI history, then we are not supposed to charge for the office visit, correct? I am new to the practice and I have suggested a 99499 Pre-screening, no charge code for the EMR billing. What does your practice do? I am new to GI coding.