Wiki CHF


Hialeah, FL
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Hi I am new to HCC coding- my Dr. is coding only CHF (I50.22-Chronic systolic (congestive) heart failure), The HTN code was reported on a previous visit- I know I50 says code first HTN- but can I send the claim w/o HTN diagnosis with the I50.22- I am confused on this.
Thank you for your help.
Hi I am new to HCC coding- my Dr. is coding only CHF (I50.22-Chronic systolic (congestive) heart failure), The HTN code was reported on a previous visit- I know I50 says code first HTN- but can I send the claim w/o HTN diagnosis with the I50.22- I am confused on this.
Thank you for your help.
For HCC coding, you should be reporting both, as long as it's documented. If the current documentation includes the HTN diagnosis, you can add the I11.0 code as primary to the claim.