Wiki CHF Clinic


East Berlin, PA
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Wondering if anyone has a CHF clinic in their office.

We are looking to have a physician directed, PA managed CHF clinic. Patient would be seen in the office 5-7 days after discharge from the facility. The PA would perform assesment and manange medications(within state scope of practice). The PA would then bill for an OV.

Who would be responsible for billing the OV? Would the PA be able to bill to their supervising physician since the patient was seen in the hospital and now in the office for the first time for this condition? Would the PA have to bill under their credentials due to no established care being established in the office setting?

Is anyone having any trouble getting the OV paid by insurance companies?

How often are the paitents returning for care?

I am not seeing many reference materials to review.

Thanks for any assistance provided.
In the case of the PA seeing the patient, the physician also has to see the patient for the PA to bill for the services and sign off on the record. Then the PA can charge for the OV.
Several of the local cardiology offices here in Mobile have this in place. They charge a low level (99212) office visit and, they manage the medications as needed.
There is no documentation on the actual "CHF" clinic, however you can look up guidelines for billing for PA/NP on

Hope this helps