Wiki Chest Tubes


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I am having a terrible time with this and need some help. The patient came in for a repositioning of a chest tube, is there a code for this? On the second day follow up the patient had to have the chest tube replaced can codes 32421 and 32422 be billed together?

"repositioning chest tube"

hi kmac,
I actually have the same issue going on this week. This is what I found on Dr.Z website:
Hope this helps!
Treena :)

ZHealth Online Q&A 2242
Date: Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Question: Your coding book and coding site are the best that I have ever found. I was unable to find an answer to this question in your book. Could you help me? Would this be coded as 32551? TECHNIQUE: The patient's existing chest tube was cut, wire was placed, and then a new 12 French APD catheter is then inserted. The chest tube was re-manipulated toward the right upper lateral lung zone. This was hooked back up to suction. IMPRESSION: Successful repositioning and re-exchange for a larger chest tube on the right side.

Answer: I would use unlisted chest procedure code 32999 to describe a chest tube exchange and repositioning. Dr.z