Wiki Chest PA and lateral and add'l PA w/ nipple markers


Local Chapter Officer
West Haven, CT
Best answers
What would be the appropriate way to code this, all done in same visit:
Chest 2 views 71020 followed by PA chest with nipple markers 71010


Chest 2 views 71020 followed by PA chest w/ nipple markers 71035

Is there a right or wrong ? Thanks
I analize first, what insurance, then, the insurance acept the 2 procedure with modifiers?
If not, what is the better reimbursement ? with modifier ? or using the complete procedure?
Thank you both for responding. The complete would be 4 views though and we are only doing 3, for which there is no code for. So, perhaps the best is 71020, 71010-59. We are doing these in our outpatient satellite facilities and do quite a few. I see they always bill out the extra view as specialis, and I really didn't agree with that.

Thanks - again !