Wiki Chemotherapy Infusions in the Office Setting


Albertville, MN
Best answers
Does anyone have some good resources for coding chemotherapy, diagnostic infusions in an office setting? I code for an Infusion Clinic which is office-based, not facility-based (hospital). Many, including insurances seem to be confused and give advice on coding in the facility setting. I do understand that coding for office-based is different.
Thank you.
Annette, CPC, CEMC
I code for a Hematology/Oncology group. We do infusions and injections, both chemotherapy and therapeutic (no diagnostic infusions) in addition to some other ancillary procedures and several categories of E/M in office.

What specific issues are you looking for information on?

Alanna, CPC, CHONC
There seems to be no rhyme or reason for denials from commercial insurances. Some pay for hydration, while other will not. Some will pay for subq injection with a -59 modifier with infusion codes (the subq is for a totally different diagnosis than the infusion), and some will not, even with the -59 modifier. I have checked NCCI edits for all code combinations, but still some insurances will not pay while others will. Even Medicare gets confusing too. I am trying to correctly code these services, but having challenges. Should I code by insurance company, or should I code correctly, the CPT/NCCI way?