Wiki Chemo Infusion Signature requirements for Incident To


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I'm hoping someone can help me with a compliance question about Incident To for Chemo infusion in a physician's office and the nurse practitioner is in the suite and the infusion nurse documents the medically necessary requirements in the patient's chart; does the supervisiong provider that's in the suite for that date of service need to sign the infusion nurse's documentation in order for the services to be billed under the supervising provider?
Thanks in advance for any assistance that you may be able to provide.
May I respectfully request that you research the Incident To guidelines because if the NPP is writing and initiating the treatment plans for infusion, the incident to requirements have not been met. The supervising physician needs to "Initiate" a treatment plan by which the NPP follows up at subsequent encounters.

My question is, is the NPP doing chemo education or really writing the orders for infusion? This seems to be an unusual situation here.

I hope that makes sense.