Wiki Cheat Sheets

My boss has informed me that our group would be adding a provider for this specialty. If you could send me a copy of your cheat sheet, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
A good resource for newbies is the MedLearn Coding essentials for Hospital Infusion and Coding Strategies Navigator for Infusion.

The cheat sheet that I have identifies some drugs and what code is appropriate based on the drug and how we give it. V58.11 or V58.12. It does not include the administration codes but those are fairly easy in my opinion once you get the hang of it.

If this is what you want, pleas email me at

oncology cheat sheets

I bill for a multispecialty practice and am now getting a new oncologist! Does anyone have any cheat sheets , especially diagnosis codes? I am trying to make a superbill for this new doctor, and there are literally 1000's of codes in the neoplasm section! Help! Any forms or info would be great.
my email is

Thanks All
cheat sheets for rad onc

If anyone has the cheat sheets or any excels with info for rad onc billing I would appreciate them as well.
preventive care dx codes for labs

pt states ins company told them they would pay for labs in full if we use a preventive
care dx for his hemachromatosis- would he v12.3 suffice?

I would love a copy of your cheat sheet as HemOnc coding is new to me and I have lots of questions.
e-mail address;

Thank you in advance.:)
Cheat Sheet

Can you please send me a copy of the cheat sheet my email address is or could you possibly help me? I started working for and oncology center and I know absolutely nothing about oncology.
Cheat Sheet

Where you able to send me a copy of the cheat sheet? I have not received an email yet.:):):)