Wiki Charts that make you go hummmmm....

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I am an emergency room coder, and would like to get some input as to what you all think, as I continually go back and forth in regards to second guessing myself on these issues.
Here's the scenario:
A patient chief complaint is Suicidal and Homicidal thoughts...and in the review of symptoms, physician states, patient has had depression. The final dx at times will only list Bipolar.
My questions are:
1. Would you pick up the SI and HI as the Dr. acknowledges the patient has in fact had these thoughts...though fails to put it as a final dx (and these aren't symptom codes)
2. Physician acknowledges patient had been depressed within the report, but doesn't put Bipolar, with Depression as a final dx. Would you code, (combined) Bipolar currently depressed; Bipolar, secondary dx depression, or leave the depression out completely?
3. Am I totally overthinking this or what?!?!?!!? ;)

Another where a patient comes in and all over the place, the chart will say things like USES heroine, smokes matter how its worded, statement usually falls short of the coveted "substance ABUSE". so although I KNOW anyone that shoots heroine is abusing it by nature, since the Dr only says drug use, I don't pick up the abuse code. Am i doing this right?
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You probably should have a meeting with the doctors and coders so you can discuss this issue. The doctor is probably reluctant to "label" by diagnosis these type ER patients as "mentally" incapacitated when these patients may just temporarily be having a bad cycle. Good luck.
For the bipolar, doctor is not telling you if it is type I or II, so I would go with 296.80, 311.

As for drug usage, that means abuse, and I would use 305.20 for marijuana abuse/usage.