Wiki Charging for Medical Team Conference


Red Bluff, CA
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For 99366, Medical team conference, the CPT guidelines state:
Medical team conferences include face-to-face participation by a minimum of three qualified health care professionals from different specialties or disciplines (each of whom provide direct care to the patient), with or without the presence of the patient, family member(s), community agencies, surrogate decision maker(s) (eg, legal guardian), and/or caregiver(s).
Reporting participants shall document their participation in the team conference as well as their contributed information and subsequent treatment recommendations.
No more than one individual from the same specialty may report 99366-99368 at the same encounter.
This leads me to think that you can charge 99366 per qualifying team member. So if there is a Social Worker, Wound Care Nurse, and Case Manager and they each provide documentation of presence at the conference, then you can charge 99366x3, right?