Wiki Charging for Clips/NEED HELP


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I'm fairly new to GI coding, however, I have been taught that you can not bill for clips (control of bleed) as preventative measures. I need help with clarification on this, desperately!! If my physician removes a polyp of any size and places 7 clips. YES, 7 clips to PREVENT bleeding ONLY. Is this billable?!?!? Here's my dilemma, my doctor just went to a seminar where he learned that if a patient has a history of GI bleed, is on blood thinners, and the polyp is larger than 1cm that is being removed then control of bleed is billable. When I asked him if patient had to fit ALL 3 criteria he stated NO, just any one of these. Is this true, if so can someone PLEASE help me find where there is documentation that states this? It would make sense to me that the pt. would need to fit in at least 2 of the 3 to justify the control of bleed code. So now every 12mm polyp they remove the pt. gets a clip and they want me to bill for it. I don't feel right doing this. Can someone please offer some suggestions/documentations to help support this information

Thank you in advance!