Wiki Charging ASC patients for extra catheter supplies


Meridain, ID
Best answers
confused: Can we (ASC) charge patient for extra catheter supplies that we send home with them for later use? Or would this included in the surgery package?
Even the supplies that are sent home with the patient as "extras"? If so, do you know where I can find some clear documentation that I could share with our physicians that would explain this? I cannot seem to find anything that specifically states that the supplies that are "sent" home with the patient are part of the global.
thank you for your input....:)
See page 3 of this MLN fact sheet regarding the Medicare ASC payment system.

Medicare makes a single payment to ASCs for covered surgical procedures, including ASC facility
services furnished in connection with the covered procedure. Examples of covered ASC facility services
paid through the payment for covered surgical procedures include:

● Nursing services, services furnished by technical personnel, and other related services
Drugs and biologicals for which separate payment is not made under the OPPS, surgical dressings,
supplies, splints, casts, appliances, and equipment

● Administrative, recordkeeping, and housekeeping items and services
● Blood, blood plasma, and platelets, with the exception of those to which the blood deductible applies
● Materials for anesthesia
● Intraocular lenses
● Implantable devices, with the exception of those devices with pass-through status under the OPPS
● Radiology services for which payment is packaged under the OPPS

In my opinion, the catheter supplies would count as an ASC facility service furnished in connection with the surgery. Therefore, I wouldn't charge the patient for them.
I work with multiple (29) ASCs at a central billing office and we don't bill patients for take-home supplies or medication.
We only separately charge for implants, devices, and drugs used during the procedure (not any take-home stuff) if our private insurance contract allows us to.
For Medicare, we do not separately charge for anything unless it is on pass-through status.

Hope this helps.