Wiki charge entry help


Fallbrook, CA
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Right now our doctors enter their own charges/dx's in the EHR in a unapplied field. The Medical Asst's also enter EKG,urine,tb test etc, int the same way. The MA's are not certified. I then check them all and "enter" them for billing. I also add any charges that may have been missed or query the doctor on any charges I see that may need changing. . My question is we recently were acquired from another entity. "Someone" from there said ONLY the doctor should be entering charges and if anything needed changed I should have them change it. Nobody else should be entering charges. Well if I had to go back to the doctors everytime there was something to add as EKG,UA dip etc. that they have documented in their notes I would never get anything done and they would also hate me. Right now I just add them. I only ask them if it happens to be a wrong charge or dx they put in. Does anybody know about this. I know there are people that enter charges for their doctors on the "notes/op notes". I am a certified coder. Sorry so long. Thanks
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The doctors should be the ones ordering the EKG, UA and things like that, In our EHR when a nurse orders something a task gets sent to the provider to approve it. However any one can add things that have been ordered to the encounter form in EHR.
Yes the doctors do the ordering it's just the MA "entering" the charge. And besides if only the doctors would have to enter charges. Then that would mean they would have to enter all the nurse visit/immunizations etc. That would NEVER work. I think the person on our side is mis-informed. Thank you