Wiki Changing Diagnosis codes on EMR labs orders?


Local Chapter Officer
Verona, NY
Best answers
We have a scenario where we are getting a high number of lab denials due to the incorrect or non covered diagnosis being input on the orders by the physicians.
As a "solution" it was suggested that the coding team could go into the lab orders, and change/correct the diagnosis codes to a payable diagnosis "if" it's documented in the patient's chart.
We see this as a problem, as we were always taught that a physician needs to create a New lab order with the updated diagnosis code on it and that no one other than the Physician can alter the orders.
Im trying to find something in writing preferably from AMA or CMS or some other reputable site that states this. Our coders do not feel comfortable doing this.
Does anyone have any insight?
You can put it to them like this. Patient A needs test B for clinical reason C. Altering reason C, aka the diagnosis code, is making a medical judgment. If the provider puts "needs this test because of hypertension "and you change it to "because of diabetes," you've technically decided why the patient needs a test--which you can't do, because you're not a clinician.