Wiki Changing CPT for coverage with Medicare


Springville, NY
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I'm hoping someone can direct me to tangible information to support changing the practice my employer uses
Currently all patients including straight medicare pt's are requested to have a physical ,this is done despite the fact that the Medicare AW exam was done several years ago.I know that we can offer an AW and allow the patient to make an informed decision ,and that they must sign an ABN and made know of the cost of the service.However none of that is currently being done
My hope was to reduce waste as these appt's are typically 1/2 long ,whereas if the pt was coming in for a follow up typically 15 minutes would be scheduled
In addition the CC indicates ANNUAL EXAM.
I have been asked to change the CPT to a 99212-99215 what ever is qualified,however I'm very uncomfortable with this
I'm wondering if there is any information/documentation that I can give my employer to help them understand,or perhaps am I wrong in my thinking
Really appreciate any advice,at a loss for what to do
Cheri Westman CPC-A