Wiki cervical polyp


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Can anyone help me with this? When the docs remove a cervical polyp, I have been
asking for the path results before coding, just like I would with any biopsy. I am getting alot of resistence. They don't think I need it to code it. Any thoughts on this?.
As a coder, I would wait. I never code any lesion removals without the pathology results. When I have polyp removals I always wait for path, it usually only takes up to a week or less.
Thanks, but what I'm saying is that the docs are not giving me the path at all. They are
saying I don't need it for a cervical poloyp, or an endometrial biopsy.
I agree. I think you need to wait on the path diagnosis for both the cervical polyp and the endometrial biopsy. Often times the path on the cervical polyp is just that - a polyp, but occasionally you will see one come back with a focus of cancer. Same thing for the endometrial biopsy - sometimes the diagnoses stays the same (menorrhagia, post-meno bleeding, or etc.) but sometimes is comes back with a diganoses of an endometrial polyp, or cancer for example.