Wiki Certified Surgical Assistants


Joliet, IL
Best answers
Is there someone willing to contact me about billing for Certified Surgical Assistants?

I have 10 years experience in the billing arena but little in billing for assistants and having a difficult time getting reimbursed.

Any tips would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
The situations are related to filling out the actual HCFA. What info do insurance companies want where on the claim for an assistant?
I just would like to do this correct on the first try, rather than resubmitting with changes on the claim. Not a lot of info on the web, that I can find.
I am very familiar with the CPT codes allow for assistants.

Does this make any sense?
An assistant for surgery (modifier -80 or -AS) must be a an individual such as an MD, PA, or APRN who is working within the scope of their license within your state. Additionally, they will need to be credentialled by the payer to perform the service. Lastly, you will need to make sure that the surgeries you are appending the modifier to are billable with an assistant. Some are not. (check CMS's Physician Fee Schedule to identify surgeries that allow an assistant). And the attending surgeon's note must clearly identify the role of the assistant, and why their presence in the OR is a billable service.

You bill out the same surgery under the assistant's billing number (separate claim) with the -80 or -AS as you would the attending surgeon on his/her claim.