Wiki Certificcation Question


Perkasie, PA
Best answers
Does anyone know anything about a certificiation with initials, RMC? We have someone who has started working with us with this type of certification. No one is familiar with it.
Does anyone know anything about a certificiation with initials, RMC? We have someone who has started working with us with this type of certification. No one is familiar with it.

Comes out of an organization called the Association of Registered Health Care Professionals. ARHCP...they have a website but the info is pretty vague. Sounds like they cater to a lot of the international coders. Sound like they are mostly online and says they were founded by retired military professionals. Sketchy.
Wow the testing format is different than the CPC exam! They get 24 hrs to take the test and they get to use the internet! Shoot if those guidelines where given through AAPC I could more than likely sit for any speciality exam and pass! (I'm good but not that good, without the internet so to speak)
The exam content appears to be the same though, so this person, may very well be knowledgeable but I don't agree w/ the unfair advantages, the internet is no substitute for basic knowledge. This to me is what the CPC exam is all about being able to use your basic knowledge of guidelines to select the correct codes.
I just found this post and wanted to add in a little clarity. Actually, ARHCP's credentials are pretty strong and they include Medicare's Rules and Regs in their curriculum. RMCs are the highest compensated coders out there based on the latest wage survey.
can you provide a link for that information? I just find it hard to believe without seeing the survey parameters and results myself.
@mitchellde- I did a bit of research on this very subject while writing a blog post. The data comes from a 3rd party aggregator called They have a very good reputation and are referenced heavily because of the unbiased validity of their data.

Here are the source urls for the salary data broken out by certification...

RMC Payscale:

CCS-P Payscale:

CPC Payscale:

But word to the wise; never base your decision of the right certification for you on wages alone. Each persons' situation is different and any one of these certifications may be a better fit depending on your particular set of circumstances.