Wiki Certification Question


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I am a student member, and working on my AS Degree in Coding. I was curious about the various certifications, is there any benefit or downfall to obtaining more than one certification? Such as say, a CPC, CIC and few specialty certs?
Thanks for any advice you are willing to share!
I am a student member, and working on my AS Degree in Coding. I was curious about the various certifications, is there any benefit or downfall to obtaining more than one certification? Such as say, a CPC, CIC and few specialty certs?
Thanks for any advice you are willing to share!

I just recently obtained my first specialty cert (CEMC), so I can't really say too much. Obvious benefit would be the more certs you have, the better your resume looks to any potential employers. The only downfall I can think of, is maintaining enough CEU's for all those different specialties...I can imagine that could get a little expensive, if you have to pay for them yourself!