Wiki Cemc - I am preparing for CEMC

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Fellow Coders,

I am preparing for CEMC, I hardly have another 3 months, I brought study guide from AAPC and i want some suggestions and advise from those who passed CEMC, I greatly need your suggestions, iam just wondering of what material should i take to EXAM and and want to know what all books and reference materials are allowed in to the EXam center so that i can prepare accordingly, Please help....
In addition to the code books, I took enough copies of the E/M audit tool I use at work (any type is accepted) and copies of the 95 and 97 documenation guidelines. I did refer to them once. There is another reference (your choice) allowed, but these were enough for me, and I did fine.
In addition to the code books, I took enough copies of the E/M audit tool I use at work (any type is accepted) and copies of the 95 and 97 documenation guidelines. I did refer to them once. There is another reference (your choice) allowed, but these were enough for me, and I did fine.

Thank you,


Did you mean to say that 95 and 97 Documentations guidelines from CMS which are roughly around 80 pages ?
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What are/did you guys use to study...beside the study guide. I have covered the study guide from front to back as well as the online E/M traing course offered here. I feel like I need to study more. My test is 4 weeks and counting.
I'm confident in selecting the level (HX PE MDM) its the visits I dont see that worry me. Like nursing care and things like that.
I was hoping to find out how the test is structured if anyone has tips on that!!!

Thanks so much
Yes - I had two separate copies - 95 was approximately 15 pgs and 97 was about 40 - but you won't use most of them since the extra pages are the boxes for specialty exams. Like I noted, I only had to refer to them once.

Thank you,


Did you mean to say that 95 and 97 Documentations guidelines from CMS which are roughly around 80 pages ?
When I took the exam it was 50 cases - the 150 questions came from extra information on the particular case - such as the place of location (nursing home, etc), if this is documented, can you bill for that, and other such questions.

What are/did you guys use to study...beside the study guide. I have covered the study guide from front to back as well as the online E/M traing course offered here. I feel like I need to study more. My test is 4 weeks and counting.
I'm confident in selecting the level (HX PE MDM) its the visits I dont see that worry me. Like nursing care and things like that.
I was hoping to find out how the test is structured if anyone has tips on that!!!

Thanks so much
I just took it. I am awaiting my results. All I can say is practice auditing LOS..... using not only your physician notes but others if possible to get used to how others document and the formats, so you are more comfortable.
I just took it. I am awaiting my results. All I can say is practice auditing LOS..... using not only your physician notes but others if possible to get used to how others document and the formats, so you are more comfortable.

At present iam just concentrating on the Medical Records, because different providers present it in different ways and i just want to make sure i shoul be able to interpret the Medical Record no matter how it is documented.

Which guidelines you choosed to use in the exam is it 95 or 97 or both ? can you suggest me on this ?
You can use both, '95 is generally easier and more widely applicable, but you can use whichever one is more advantageous on a note-by-note basis. For the exam you don't have to just use 1 for all of the notes, you can use whichever one applies.

Here is a list of the approved manuals for use during the CEMC exam (directly from the AAPC website)

Approved Manuals for Use During Examination

Required References:
CPT® Books (AMA standard or professional edition ONLY). No other publisher is allowed
Your choice of ICD-9-CM
Your choice of HCPCS Level II
Highly Recommended References:
E/M Audit Worksheet of your choice
Both CMS DGs (1995 & 1997)
Optional References:
One reference of your choice
Electronic devices with an on/off switch (cell phones, smart phones, tablets, etc.) are not allowed into the examination room. Failure to comply with this policy may result in disqualification of your exam.

Any officially published errata for these manuals may also be used. No other manuals are allowed. Each code set is updated annually; it is essential that examinees use the current calendar year's coding manuals when taking the certification exam.

Non-Approved Manuals for Use During Examination
Due to the advantages of additional information and/or ease of use, the following references cannot be used during the exam:

Current Procedural Coding Expert® - Ingenix
Procedural Coding Professional - Contexo
Procedural Coding Professional - AAPC
Procedural Coding Expert - Contexo
Procedural Coding Expert - AAPC
CPT® Insider's View - AMA
CPT® Plus! - PMIC
Coders' Choice CPT® - PMIC
ICD-9-CM Easy Coder - Unicor
Thank You all for the great suggestions and tips. I am testing this Sunday (16th) hopefully I have been studying the right stuff. I am trying to just audit some charts here at work and going between my study guides to see the different ways things are documented. I have my DG's printed and some audit forms as well, I laminated one copy of my audit form and have a dry erase pen....WISH ME LUCK :D
Double check if the laminated audit tool is allowed. I had to turn in all my audit tool sheets with the test materials. Not sure if they will allow you to keep and/or use that.
1995 vs 1997 guidelines

When I took the exam (6 years ago), there were questions that SPECIFICALLY required you to use either 1995 or 1997 guidelines. In some cases a note would be provided, one or more questions following specifying 1995 guidelines, and then additional question(s) specifying 1997 guidelines.

As for audit tools. I did what I always do .... I have ONE tool ... I make notes directly on the progress note (or test booklet in this case), using different color pens for History, PE, MDM. I never write on the audit tool itself.

Personally, I do not think you need ANYTHING besides your CPT & ICD9 manuals, the audit tool, 1995 and 1997 guidelines.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC,CEMC
Took my exam this past guess we will see!
I dont think it was a "beast" as some people have described it to me. If you have the online practice exam and the Study guide go with those and practice those, it was a similar format. And of course some medicare publication references.
Agreed - I used the study guide, practice exam and audit tool to prepare. I didn't find it a "beast." Some problems were a little tricky, but all in all, it wasn't bad - can't be if I passed! From your description, it sounds like you did just fine. I bet you get an early holiday present later this week! :)
That stinks!

So sorry to hear that...has to be SO frustrating! Are you going to schedule your re-take for three months later?
Sorry to hear that - but if it's any consolation, I was in the exact same spot. CEMC is the only exam I DIDN'T pass on my first attempt, and I too got a 68%. Very frustrating, but my advice is to keep studying and take it again ASAP while everything is still fresh in your mind.
Thanks for the encouraging words. It was very humbling because I too seem to pass things with ease. And I must say this has mad me nervous. My husband seems to think it is good for our kids to not see me pass, they have seen me studying and working hard for this but can take a lesson that things in life are not alwyas easy and you need to keep trying adn work hard for what you want, amd the outcome is not "always sunny"!!!!

Thanks again, round 2 coming up in February!
Inquiring minds, did you pass?? I'm signed up in Sept. For the CEMC,I recently passed the CPMA and talking with some colleagues found out I should have done this one first. I have no experience coding or auditing E & M visits but would like to.
GNP001 How did you do? I took the CEMC and missed it as well by 2 points :( I am taking it again next month. I'm also registered to take the CPMA, are you able to offer up any advice? Or if anyone is able to offer up advice for the CEMC I'd appreciate that as well!

Thanks everyone :)
Oh my goodness, I am in the same group for missing 2%. Just got my result last night. Any books to study more, please? I am thinking to get some used books E/M auditing step and Optum Understanding E/M Coding. Please advise.
I found out today I missed it by ONE POINT!! Ugh!! I'm going to reschedule and renew my efforts. I am like some of you, normally no problem with passing these things. But this one got me. Well, onward and upward!