Wiki CEMC Exam


Saint Johns, FL
Best answers
I have registered to take the CEMC exam (again). This is a very tough exam because coding for E/M can be very subjective. I was hoping that somebody who has taken the certification exam could help me. The exam doesn't specify which guidelines to use for each question. Depending on which guidelines you use (95 vs 97) in some cases it could change your code, especially from a 99214 to a 99213. Any suggestions or advice out there on how to handle these questions? I am more comfortable with 95, although I audit with 97 as well. Any advice? :)

Holly CPC, CPC-H
Even i registered for CEMC for that i brought study guide from AAPC in that 13 Medical records were there and all of them were coded using 95 giudelines and even the online practice exam from AAPC 90% of them were coded using 95 guideline.
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